From: Simone Degeling <>
Date: 10/05/2010 06:18:18 UTC
Subject: Announcement - Torts in Commercial Law Conference
Attachments: TICL Conference 2010.pdf

Dear Colleagues (apologies for cross posting)


Registrations are now open for Torts in Commercial Law, a major international conference to be hosted by the University of New South Wales on 17-18 December 2010.  This is the third in a series of conferences and follows the Fusion Conference (2004) and Restitution in Commercial Law Conference (2007). Conference speakers are leading tort scholars drawn from the judiciary and the academy.


Presentations will be given on:


·         A Comparison of the Law of Torts in England and Australia

·         Economic Torts, Privacy and Intentional Torts

·         Tort Liability of the State

·         Pure Economic Loss

·         Omissions

·         Insurance and the Law of Torts

·         Proprietary Torts

·         Defences

·         Remedies


A complete conference programme, pricing information and online registration are available at


With best wishes

Simone Degeling and James Edelman

Conference convenors